News from the desk of Glenn Lancaster
How Bad Decisions Raised Wilsonville’s Living Costs
Prices naturally rise over time. There’s no changing that. But, here in Wilsonville, the rising cost of living has gone far beyond the usual rate
How Tolling Destroys Communities
The problem with tolling extends far beyond mere inconvenience. It doesn’t solve the problems it claims to fix, like traffic congestion and pollution. Instead, it
Wilsonville Has Problems. We Have the Solutions, Too
I’m unbelievably proud to call myself a Wilsonville resident, and I know I’m not alone. That’s a sentiment shared by all who call this wonderful
6 Tolling Lies You’re Being Told
Traffic in Wilsonville is horrific. As residents, we endure frustrating delays, idling engines, and wasted hours daily. This community needs safer, quicker, and less congested
Love Where You Live
Wilsonville has grown quite a bit over the years. Longtime residents can tell you all about the farms and fields that used to stretch from
Wilsonville Is Losing Its Way
Anytime I go by Wilsonville City Hall, I can’t help but notice that something is missing. While the building itself is certainly adequate for the